Perfect control of UV-C rays for effective, safe, rejection-free and economical decontamination.

Thanks to their patented optical system, our products exploit the germicidal properties of UV-C (254 nm). They work by inactivating viruses, bacteria and spores from the air wherever people are.

Unlike other air decontamination and purification systems, our products operate without mechanical suction, without filters, without noise, without being energy-intensive and without danger to people, even in their daily presence.

Their great interest is also their effectiveness in any type of place, even in rooms that have a standard ceiling height (from 2.30m).

Our range of products is suitable for treating the decontamination of ambient air, objects and surfaces. They have a fast, effective, safe and ecological action.

The applications are numerous:

    • hospitals
    • clinics
    • medical and paramedical offices
    • retirement home
    • refectories
    • establishments open to the public
    • waiting rooms
    • établissements d’enseignement
    • schools…
They are suitable for all public places where the risk of contamination with airborne viruses is present.

Our patented optics system controls the UV-C beam very precisely

Thanks to their germicidal properties on viruses and bacteria, UV-C is a solution perfectly suited to the decontamination of air, objects and surfaces:

  • Broad spectrum of germicidal action (viruses, bacteria, spores)
  • Rapidity of elimination
  • No production or release of toxic residue

UV-C is short wavelength. They are therefore both very energetic, which gives them their germicidal character, but are also weakly penetrating because they are very easily absorbed.

The energy provided by UV-C thus makes it possible to alter the genetic material of small systems such as viruses and bacteria to ensure safe, effective, ecological and harmless decontamination for people.

The ON-LIGHT innovation lies in a patented optic that allows the most precise control of the UV-C beam on the market.

It creates a very well defined germicidal layer, 15 to 20 cm thick, and concentrated at the top of the room. Parallel to the ceiling, it does not touch people, thus avoiding any risk of exposure in the conditions of use of the room.

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